Change at the Speed of a Rising Sunrise

3 min readDec 31, 2023


While listening to a podcast featuring Theo Von and Duncan Trussell (Episode 449), the topic of change and its obstruction by distractions such as anxiety was explored.

Beyond theological beliefs, there lies within us a fundamental voice, the “Ego,” which initially serves as a child’s shield but has the potential to become destructive later in life.

The ego’s existence is intertwined with “embarrassment” as a safety mechanism. Yet, paradoxically, it can also engender worry and pain over hypothetical events that may never occur. This concern for the future is inevitable and can cause mental health and confidence issues, inhibiting our personal growth and acceptance of our true selves, separate from our ego. It’s about an internal struggle to understand our identity, our purpose, and possibilities.

The fear of failure acts as a safeguard against physically risky behavior, but this emotion can become perplexing when we lack the courage to make informed decisions.

The conversation between Theo and Duncan was candid and lighthearted, discussing the often bullshit nature of most of our interactions, often influenced by traumas expressed through our egos. Theo inquired, “When will I evolve?” Duncan paused and suggested that maybe evolution occurs when one realizes the non-necessity to evolve, embracing the natural, uncontrolled convergence of one’s genetics and life experiences.

Rather that being anxious and embarrassed, about who we really are, lean into it — learn and grow naturally, thus living in the moment without life’s anxieties and focusing on the present rather than the future. Focus on being a good human.

This philosophy echoes across various religions, philosophies, and narratives. We are cognizant of this, yet our Ego hinders us from living with less shame and more compassion, and from achieving internal peace. For some, a bleak existence is conjured solely within their minds. It is definitely something we all know and feel internally — like we are alone and no one else thinks like we do, but the opposite is so much more true.

Referencing the title, “Change at the speed of a rising sun,” positive change is gradual. A cloud on the horizon during a sunrise does not signify darkness, but rather a temporary dark obstruction that will pass as the sun continues to rise.

True happiness stems from simple truths such as trusting in the sun’s rhythm, a process established long before humanity and destined to persist indefinitely.

The metaphor of solar flares disrupting our internet serves as an allegory for obstacles in our spiritual journey, yet the underlying message remains steadfast.

As we cultivate our team and develop Skew, we’re reminded of our collective endeavor for self-improvement in all ways, including the protocol itself. We often find solace in those who seem to have the answers or possess something we aspire to. However, the reality is our inherent capacity for greatness can unlock all we need to enjoy the full gift of life.

In essence, trust the rhythm of the sun. Incremental change supersedes the impulse for immediate transformation. Like the sun, we must be present, acknowledge our limited control, and hope that our actions contribute meaningfully to the universe.

So, like you, in 2024 I will do my best to relish each moment, creating ripples of positivity for others to witness. It will not be perfect, but knowing I am not alone in the fight for good makes the world a better pace — and that makes me feel good inside.

Happy New Year!




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